Setting up a business might be very easy but making it more successful can be very demanding. According to a report published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics last year, nearly 20% of startups and small businesses fail after one year in business and almost 30% fail after two years. Additionally, 50% fail within their fifth year, and about 70% fail in their tenth year in business. The common causes of failure for these businesses were reported as poor marketing, lack of business skills, poor product pricing and offering, and running out of ash.

To turn your business into a success, you need to be more focused, creative and innovative than your competitors. You also need to offer great customer service, sell products that customers want, and understand the power of digital marketing for startups. Since online marketing for small businesses has been proven as one of the greatest ways to promote a tiny business, this article focuses on the current digital marketing techniques that you can use to turn your business, regardless of how small, into a success.

Online Marketing Techniques for Small Businesses

The following features ten proven online marketing approaches that can be used to grow a small business and also achieve greater success in every business activity.

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