As a business owner, you have to think about how you’re going to reach smartphone users and build an excellent experience that keeps them coming back for more.

Shopping online was once viewed as a novelty. Today, most of us make purchases online through Amazon, eBay, and countless e-commerce websites every week. We were also there when big bulky cellphones transitioned into the sleek, powerful mini-computers we have today. 

The popularity of online businesses and smartphones go hand in hand. Instead of sitting down, booting up the computer, and waiting for the old DSL modem to connect, consumers can now take their phones out of their pockets and land on your website in seconds. 

If you want to see your business thrive, you have to improve your mobile marketing strategy. A stunning 58% of internet traffic comes from smartphones. So if your site isn’t mobile-friendly, you could be missing out on over half of your engagement and sales. 


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