With more than 645 million users, across more than 200 countries and territories, LinkedIn hosts the largest database of professional and career insights, and connects people and businesses to share discussions about industry trends, inspiration, management techniques, and a lot more.

LinkedIn has actually added nearly 150 million new members in the past two years, and along with that growth, the platform has also been able to increase in-app engagement, with parent company Microsoft noting that LinkedIn is currently seeing ‘record levels’ of interaction, expanding its potential.

And while the platform has long been known as the home for B2B discussion, the opportunities are expanding. Now, businesses of almost any kind can drive some level of benefit from maintaining a LinkedIn presence.

That’s where this new graphic comes in – the team at Headway Capital have put together this new infographic which provides an overview of how smaller operators can maximize their LinkedIn performance.

It won’t be for everyone, and LinkedIn does require a dedicated, platform-specific approach. But given the numbers, it’s worth considering where the platform might fit into your 2020 strategy.

To find out more about this article please visit:   https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/a-small-business-guide-to-linkedin-infographic/563821/    

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