Dit is vandag presies een jaar sedert Suid-Afrika in ’n harde inperking ingegaan het. Suid-Afrika staan tans op meer as 1,5-miljoen positiewe koronavirusgevalle en meer as 52 000 Covid-19-verwante sterftes.
Suid-Afrika is tans in die eerste fase van sy inentingsuitrolplan met meer as 220 000 gesondheidswerkers wat teen die koronavirussiekte, met die Johnson & Johnson-entstof, ingeënt is.
Dr. Zweli Mkhize, die minister van gesondheid, het Woensdagaand in ’n onderhoud met SABC News gesê dat ’n besluit om Suid-Afrika na ’n hoër vlak van inperking oor die paastyd te skuif, tans deur die koronavirusbevelsraad bespreek word.
AfriNuus het gister berig dat Suid-Afrika moontlik oor die paastyd na vlak 2 van die inperkingsregulasies sal skuif met verskeie nuwe maatreëls wat dan in plek gestel sal word.
Mkhize sê verder dat die besluite gebaseer sal wees op aanbevelings van epidemiologiese kundiges en gesprekke met sakeleiers.
Volgens Mkhize is die aanbevelings op grond van wetenskaplike bewyse gemaak.
Kerkleiers het die regering ook glo gevra dat kerkbywoning oor die Paasnaweek toegelaat moet word, maar Mkhize meen dat dit ’n superverspreidersgeleentheid kan wees.
“Ons moet die interprovinsiale beweging vermy wat kan lei tot die verspreiding van die virus,” vertel Mkhize in die onderhoud.
In vandeesweek se nuusbrief deel ons die Wes-Kaapse regering se provinsiale begroting vir die jaar, sowel as die AHi se insette daaroor.
Verder in die nuusbrief deel ons die jongste besigheidsstatistieke wat deur Statistieke Suid-Afrika uitgereik is met jou. Ons deel ook ander entrepreneuriese leesstof met jou.
Later in die nuusbrief deel ons nuus uit ons sake-organisasies, ’n sakehulpyn en meer.
Lees dit en meer, in ons volledige nuusbrief hier onder.
Dit is vandag ’n jaar sedert die begin van die nasionale staat van inperking. Suid-Afrika is op vlak 1 met meer as 1,5 miljoen infeksies en meer as 52 000 sterftes.
Suid-Afrika het al meer as 220 129 gesondheidswerkers teen die virussiekte ingeënt. Daar is al meer as 486-miljoen dosisse van ’n koronavirusentstof in die wêreldwyd toegedien, volgens Bloomberg.
David Maynier, die Wes-Kaapse minister van finansies, het dié provinsiale begroting vir 2021 laasweek in die provinsiale parlement bekendgemaak.
Maynier het die begroting beskryf as ‘n begroting van hoop “vir almal wat in die Wes-Kaap woon”.
Die Wes-Kaap het ‘n ‘oorlogskis’ van R2,17 miljard opsy gesit om COVID-19 te verslaan, om te reageer op ‘n potensiële ‘derde golf’ en om die inentingsprogram in die Wes-Kaap in werking te stel.
Die Wes-Kaap bestee ook R135,39 miljard op mediumtermyn as deel van die ‘Wes-Kaapse herstelplan’. Dit sal verseker dat Wes-Kapenaars nie net herstel van COVID-19 nie, maar sal ook die lewens van almal wat in dié provinsie woon, verbeter.
Die Wes-Kaap het op mediumtermyn R17,08 miljard toegewys om ekonomiese groei te bevorder en werk te skep, hoofsaaklik deur ondersteuning aan die private sektor.
Die Wes-Kaap sal op mediumtermyn R2,35 miljard spandeer om veilige en samehangende gemeenskappe te skep deur middel van openbare gesondheidsbenadering tot wetstoepassing en voorkoming van geweld.
Dié provinsie sal verder R115,96 miljard op mediumtermyn spandeer om mense te bemagtig deur fundamentele menseregte te beskerm, die progressiewe verwesenliking van sosio-ekonomiese regte en die skep van ‘n gevoel van behoort in die Wes-Kaap.
Jy kan die volledige begroting hier besigtig.
Western Cape Minister of Finance and Economic Opportunities David Maynier said the R217,83-billion budget he tabled on Tuesday 16 March is a “budget of hope” that supports a plan to defeat Covid-19 while at the same time focusing on a recovery plan for the economy, improving safety and the well-being of citizens, and creating a “leaner” and “smarter” government when it comes to service delivery.
‘Budget on target for recovery’
AHi chairman Dr Willie Cilliers said the budget’s aims to boost economic recovery and make it easier to do business while also focusing on improving safety and addressing people’s well-being are right on target.
“Covid has dealt us an immense blow. Businesses have seen an average drop in income of between 40% and 60% compared with 2019. The hospitality industry is almost dead because of lockdowns and the new variant is still keeping visitors away,” he said.
“More businesses are expected to close in the next month, so the budget’s focus on economic revival is welcomed, but it will take three to five years to recover to pre-Covid figures. Jobs cannot be created overnight. Implementation of the measures right down to the level of local government and the will of officials and politicians to make it work, is of course key.”
Naas Nieu-Seeland is Suid-Afrika die land wie se plaaslike sakereise die vinnigste herstel het sedert die uitbreking van Covid-19 wêreldwyd. Die getal sakereise wat tans in Suid-Afrika onderneem word, is wel net 25% van wat dit voor die uitbreking van die koronavirus was. In Nieu-Seeland is die syfer soveel as 80% van wat dit voor Covid-19 was. In die VSA en Switserland reis net tussen 1% en 10% van sakelui in vergelyking met die getal mense wat voor die uitbreking van die virus plaaslik gereis het.
Dié syfers is vandeesweek deur die reisagentskap FCM Travel, ʼn onderafdeling van Flight Centre, bekendgemaak. FCM Travel het ʼn dokument bekendgestel wat ondersoek instel na die uitdagings waardeur sakereise in die gesig gestaar word, insluitend inperkings deur regerings, strenger gesondheidsvereistes en huiwering by mense om te reis.
Klik hier om meer te lees.
Statistieke Suid-Afrika, oftewel SSA, het Dinsdag die jongste syfers oor verskeie sektore in die land se bedrywighede oor ‘n jaargrondslag, wat strek van Januarie 2020 tot Januarie 2021, in ‘n persverklaring bekendgemaak.
Hier is wat jy moet weet:
1. Die totale inkomste vir die toeriste-akkommodasiebedryf het in Januarie 2021 met 72,9% afgeneem vergeleke met Januarie 2020. Inkomste uit akkommodasie het met 71,2% gedaal.
2. Spysenieringsdienste het in Januarie 2021 ‘n daling van 50,1% op ‘n jaargrondslag in Januarie aangeteken. Daar is ook ‘n afname in restaurante en koffiewinkels (-49,5%) en wegneemetes en kitskoswinkels (-8,0%) aangeteken.
3. Daar was 178 besigheidslikwidasies in Februarie 2021, ‘n styging van 8,5% in vergelyking met die 164 likwidasies wat in Februarie 2020 gerapporteer is.
4. Die drankverkope in SA het in Januarie 2021 R73,8 miljoen beloop, 77,1% laer as die R321,9 miljoen wat in Januarie 2020 aangeteken is.
5. Die hoeveelheid goedere wat op SA se paaie en spoorweë vervoer word, het in Januarie 2021 met 10,8% op ‘n jaargrondslag gedaal. Die ooreenstemmende inkomste het in dieselfde tydperk met 11,3% afgeneem.
Jy kan meer hier lees.
Yesterday Western Cape Premier, Alan Winde, spoke in a digital press conference which provided an update on Covid-19 pandemic and the results of the second wave seroprevalence study conducted in the Western Cape. Click here to watch the video.
The Western Cape’s response to Covid-19 is based on evidence, science and data, and that is why every week we share this information with the public.
Our latest data continues to show good news for the Western Cape:
• There continues to be a decline in cases, admissions and deaths in the Western Cape (although starting to plateau).
• The proportion of positive tests remains stable at 5.1%.
• We are approaching the situation seen between the first and second waves, although we have not reached it yet. • The reproductive number remains below 1.
• Cases in the Cape Metro declined by 20%.
• Cases in the rural districts overall have declined by 26%.
• 18 treatment plants have detected no Covid-19 in wastewater, up from 9 previously.
• There are only 20 active Covid-19 cases amongst our healthcare workers
Our surveillance teams are ensuring heightened vigilance over this time, and where clusters are picked up, we are taking swift action to intervene. These clusters are often linked to irresponsible behaviour where mask wearing, and other safety measures were not adhered to.
“Seroprevalence research shows that there is still vulnerability in most communities”
The Western Cape Government has tested for seroprevalence after the ‘second wave’ to determine vulnerability for future waves in our province.
To put it simply, our research wants to find out how many people have Covid-19 antibodies that would allow for greater protection against infection in the future.
We specifically tested:
• Public sector diabetic patient specimens
• Private sector diabetic patient specimens
• Public sector HIV patient specimens
• Public sector children attending Red Cross Children’s Hospital and Tygerberg Hospital
The results found that in diabetics in the public sector
• Seroprevalence in the Cape Metro was approximately 47%
• The Cape Winelands District, Central Karoo District, and the Garden Route District also had seroprevalence rates higher than 40%
• The Overberg District and West Coast District had seroprevalence rates under 40%, pointing to greater vulnerability
In addition:
• Seroprevalence is highest in 30-44-year-old groups and decreases with age, meaning those at highest risk remain vulnerable
• Seroprevalence in the public sector is consistently higher in females than males
• There is lower seroprevalence in more affluent communities
• Overall, no community has reached herd immunity of 65% and every single community remains vulnerable to future resurgences (to varying degrees).
What does this mean, simply?
Not enough people have either been infected with the virus and developed antibodies, or have been vaccinated, to prevent a ‘third wave’. There is still a very high risk of resurgence, and we must continue to do everything possible to protect ourselves and our loved ones.
“Personal responsibility best way to delay a ‘third wave’ for as long as possible”
That is why my main message at today’s digital press conference was that every single person in our province must urgently heighten their vigilance, to think smartly, and to avoid either being infected with, or spreading Covid-19 this holiday season.
If we all stay safe in this way, we can delay the “third wave” for as long as possible, and we can continue to save lives and livelihoods in the Western Cape.
Please urge your family, friends, neighbours and loved ones to:
• Avoid crowded places, especially where there is poor ventilation.
• Wear a mask whenever in public, or with people outside of your own household.
• Gather outdoors, and remember to keep it short and small, to limit exposure.
• Protect those at greatest risk of severe Covid-19 infection such as those with comorbidities and the elderly.
• Think smartly and act responsibly so that you don’t put yourself in a situation where you either get infected with Covid-19 or spread Covid-19.
From the desk of the President: The electricity shortage has been a problem for more than a decade, with economic activity being severely interrupted every time there is a power cut, affecting smaller businesses and large industries alike. Over the years, it has contributed to slow economic growth and weak investor confidence.
Resolving our energy challenges isn’t just urgent; it is fundamental to South Africa’s economic recovery. That is why we are making every effort to bring new power generation capacity online in the shortest possible time.
A major step forward in this effort was the announcement last week by the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy of the companies that had successfully bid to supply 2,000 megawatts of emergency power to address the gap in capacity.
The power will be produced from a range of sources including solar, wind, liquified natural gas and battery storage. These projects will involve an investment of around R45 billion by the private sector. Around half of all the materials used in the construction will be locally sourced. The projects should be providing power to the nation by August next year.
Also last week, government released a request for proposals for the procurement of a further 2,600 megawatts of renewable energy. This is the fifth ‘bid window’ in the country’s highly successful programme to buy renewable energy from independent power producers. This programme has led to significant private investment in the country’s energy infrastructure, and is an important part of our commitment to move towards cleaner energy sources.
Another part of the effort to fill the electricity supply gap is to make it easier for industry to generate electricity for its own use. This ‘embedded generation’ will reduce the demand on Eskom’s power stations and will increase the country’s overall generation capacity through private investment.
As I said in the State of the Nation Address last month, work is under way to increase the licensing threshold connecting self-generated power to the grid.
This is the latest in a series of steps we have taken as government over the past year to improve our national energy security by bringing new generation capacity online.
Over the course of the next year, the government plans to release four more requests for proposals for new power generation projects, in renewable energy, gas, coal and battery storage respectively. These projects would be expected to provide over 7,000 megawatts of electricity.
Click here to read more.
Ceres Besigheidsinisiatief het hul projekte-oorsig vir 2020 bekendgemaak.
“Ons beleef buitengewone omstandighede a.g.v. Covid-19. Groot aanpassings is op verskeie terreine gemaak. CBI Bestuur het ook weer nuut gedink om fokus op die regte plekke te plaas. Na vele gesprekke en baie onderhandelinge is CBI FUND NPC as Art. 18A maatskappy, met ‘n eie MOI (Memorandum of Incorporation) gestig.”
Jy kan die dokument hier bo besigtig.
Clanwilliam Sakekamer kuier hierdie week in Voortrekkerstraat by Build-it, onder nuwe bestuur van Renier Zeelie en sy vriendelike kollegas.
Ruk jou reg vir een groot makietie vanaf 6 – 8 Mei 2021, wanneer Clanwilliam Expo plaasvind.
Die Clanwilliam Landbou Genootskap vier sy 90ste bestaansjaar en hulle sien uit om almal daar te ontvang.
Klik hier om Clanwilliam Sakekamer se nuusflits te lees.
There’s a proverb that goes: “The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The next best time is right now.” The naturally vulnerable Small to Medium Enterprise (SME) and entrepreneur sector would have done well to build their resilience prior to COVID-19. But if they didn’t, as with so many, right now is the time to plant the seeds for short, medium and long-term resilience.
After all, the next shift is sure to come whether it is in the form of a pandemic, extreme weather, forest fires or rising seas. And we might even still be recovering from this one when it does.
Resilience requires entrepreneurs to engage in two somewhat contradictory activities: one is bouncing back from the collapse of markets, the breaking of supply chains, and the depletion of workforce capacity. The other is learning how to leap forward into markets, supply chains and talent markets where the rules for survival and success are unclear and changing.
To bounce back and leap forward, SMEs and entrepreneurs need to respond effectively in five key pillars that together form resilience. These are leadership, revenue, organizational, financial and operational. However, responding effectively depends in large part on having prepared to do so.
Click here to read more.
Wes-Kaapse ouers wie se kinders tans in graad 7 is moet kennis neem dat aansoeke vir graad 8-toelating in 2022 op 26 Maart 2021 sluit.
Jy kan hier aansoek doen: https://wcedonline.westerncape.gov.za/admissions-202122Wes-Kaapse ouers wie se kinders tans in graad 7 is moet kennis neem dat aansoeke vir graad 8-toelating in 2022 op 26 Maart 2021 sluit.
Jy kan hier aansoek doen: https://wcedonline.westerncape.gov.za/admissions-202122
The AHi Western Cape compiled a few inspiring entrepreneurial stories for you to read during this on-going pandemic. Simply click on the link below:
5 Morning Habits That Will Start Your Day With Purpose
How to Think Like a Successful Entrepreneur
Know Thyself: The Foolproof Secret to Success
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